CS 272 Software Development

CS 272-03 • Fall 2022

SQL Intro: Getting Started

This demo will introduce various basic SQL concepts and statements via example. The tables we will be building in this demo are:

Office Phone Number Description
CASA (415) 422-5050 Office
SLE (415) 422-7256 Office
HPS (415) 422-5797 Office
HPS (888) 471-2290 Fax
CAPS (415) 422-6351 Office
CAPS (415) 422-6352 Office
CAPS (855) 531-0761 After Hours

Database Design

Notice how an office could have between 1 to 3 numbers associated with it? That is a “one to many” (one office to many phone numbers) relationship.

We will often split those values into separate tables so we can have exactly 1 row per item (one row per office in an offices table, and one row per number in an phones table).

The first table offices will capture the unique offices:

office_id office

And then the next table phones will capture the office numbers:

phone_id area phone description office_id
1 415 422-5050 Office 3
2 415 422-7256 Office 2
3 415 422-5797 Office 1
4 888 471-2290 Fax 1
5 415 422-6351 Office 4
6 415 422-6352 Office 4
7 855 531-0761 After Hours 4

The exact tables will depend on which point you are at in the demo script.

Next: Creating Tables